I Dare To Dream Poem by Melody Thaila Kuku

I Dare To Dream

Life never gave her a chance,
Loneliness, a friend so close.
The spirit was caged,
Never to fly beyond captivity.
Never to explore greater air than that men had given.

All through the crowd she stood out,
Not for good.
Rejection a word known by heart,
And her thoughts bled,
Grief had numbed the mind,
Grief not for death or wound,
But that a chance was never given to her.

Her name was, odd
All she wanted was for mortals to know
Who lived behind the caged flesh,
Wishing, praying that her captors may let her be,
For a potential deep down to soar.

Through depression she lived,
Death was not an option,
For like the ending of the world,
She dreaded how mortals would toast at her grave.
And her soul if in paradise,
Will grieve to see men make merry the grave.

But then one day, when the sleeping sun awoke on the clouds,
When the rays of the smiling sun beamed at her, she knew.
She saw the answer before her,
No one would give another the path to success,
Man has to find his own way.

So she set her spirit free,
With determination she bind the heart,
And to the sand of the earth, she stood up.
With courage pounding the heart,
She spoke this words,
“I Dare To Dream”.

And though you mock me to fear,
And my spines rattle in discord,
Though you say my speech be dumb,
And my words be dull,
Yet, I dare to dream,
I dream of a better world,
Where in throne I sit.
I dare to dream of a time when I stand up for myself.

I dare to dream of cameras seeking to get a shot at me,
I dare to dream when you will chew those toxic
Words you spew at me.
I dare to dream when you will seek my smile.

I dare to dream when men will hear my story and say,
She is a woman who overcame.
And my name be carved out in history books.
For I have found my footing.
I dare to dream, not mere dreams,
But of a life I seek now.

Melody Thaila Kuku

Melody Thaila Kuku

Lagos, Nigeria.
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