I Enjoy All And Earth Enjoys Me At Last Poem by MAHTAB BANGALEE

I Enjoy All And Earth Enjoys Me At Last

Rating: 5.0

no; no one is enjoyer on this earth
only human kind

though this body is not true me
its truly I enjoy everything;
eating, drinking, writing, speaking, breathing everything I enjoy
the fruits, the rice, the water, the grains
the moonlight, the sunlight, the dark everything I enjoy
the river, the forest........ everything I, the human enjoys only

I from the human being
the ungrateful enjoyer of universe
without any payment just know to consume
but the giver all these are the earth does not enjoy her offerings,
the universe does not enjoy anything anytime

only I, the dweller enjoy all
but after all the enjoyer and enjoyment cannot live eternally,
consumer tastes all temporarily,
consuming flavor has limited time

the expiration time touches me, the human in time
and I fall in the recycling embryo of death
but mysteriously at last the earth enjoy this enjoyer body

14.04.2020 Chattogram

Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: earth,human,philosophy
Edward Kofi Louis 17 April 2020

Universe! ! Muse of the earth! Mankind on earth, Musing along. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Happy Reader 16 April 2020

This is called - AIMLESS WRITING! have nothing to do, go out and look at the moon but dont come and write what others dont enjoy reading. Keep personal feelings in your own cupboard of intricacy. Bit before the world, act, speak and write like artist if it is poetry that imaginations open like a flower not like your agony. Or just shut off.

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