I Heard A Bird In The Meadow Poem by William L Roberts

I Heard A Bird In The Meadow

While walking my dog one morning,
I heard a bird in the meadow:
'Long short short short',
It called from in hiding,
Then a sighing, 'High low, '
Another answered in echo.
As I walked I fit those notes
To the words of a hymn from long ago -
Half remembered from when I was young,
'My life, my love, my one,
To you to you I call,
I could not live if you are gone
You're my all in all.'
Of a sudden
I had a song, beautiful and fine,
The joy of creation
Oh it felt strong!

While my dog slept on the couch,
I found some free software
And keyed it in.
I added a bass line for foundation,
Then a tenor counter melody
And last I gave the altos what notes
Seemed needed to complete the harmony.
I was walking on air!
I went everywhere, so filled with delight!

I thought of it again a month or two ago,
Found the file and clicked it.
Oh it turned out to be a dull thing.
It's funny though,
When I wake alone and scared by time's passing,
I have only to remember that feeling,
And think on its half remembered line
To fall asleep in peace again.

Tsira Goge 05 June 2009

Then a tenor counter melody And last I gave the altos what notes Seemed needed to complete the harmony. I was walking on air! I went everywhere, so filled with delight! ............................................................. William, Very very beautifully... I understand your pleasure Absolutely, As I too often searched for harmony for my songs...10... Best wishes, Tsira

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