I Know, I Know Poem by Francis Duggan

I Know, I Know

I know, I know the fields are lush and green
And in Summer an average temperature of nineteen
And there's no need to tell me for I know
That from October to March most days are cold enough to snow

And that from April to June in the cool days of Spring
In leafy groves and woods the finches sing
And wildflowers bloom in the lush month of May
Though rain 'twould seem is never far away.

For days on end in Summer's prime July
the sun refuse to shine in cloudy sky
And in new mown meads on damp and misty day
I still recall the smell of rotting hay.

When one ask me 'mate' why do you linger here
I always answer surely not for the beer
I stay because the weather mostly fine
And there are many days of warm sunshine.

And I well may add what happen to be true
That the options and choices I have are few
And I won't hear the lark sing in the Homeland sky
Since a flight ticket I cannot afford to buy.

I know, I know on balmy days in May
The birds sing in the woodlands far away
And hawthorn wear her blossoms white as snow
And pheasant in the meadow cuck and crow.

And when someone ask why do you linger here
I only tell them what they wish to hear
That I like the weather and the scenery
And this the Land of opportunity.

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