I'Ll Stay For Now Poem by Bullion Grey

I'Ll Stay For Now

Choices are for choosing, and I make the choice to save room for love. I will stay for a while longer, living out the life of an unknown iconoclast, inspired by air, the winds of thoughts and dreams.

With your simple smile of free happiness and ease, I hold you closer now, I hug you longer than I use too. You have breathed life into my heart, allowed my soul to stay, just a little bit longer on this dance.

It isn't any reason or why the way it is, no, there are no refined points to point out, just a calling from distant voices which are living among us.

Miracles I've had, dreams have come and gone, and what is within has long been without. But your love and joy supplys me with hope, with flowers of silent beauty telling me we are one.

Can ever it be when I go that we won't be one?

Yes, I know no one predicts the future, or holds a light to the past. While we sit at the cafe down the street, quietly sipping our coffee, reading, sitting side to side, I hear you sigh.

It is the fate of our live's that we hold in our deepest predictions. Will we ever know again the desperate loneliness of a single soul? It is late, and for now, I'll choose to stay.

But I make no promises for the future.

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