I Love You Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Poems

I Love You

I love you very deeply, I openly to her declared,
Uncertain was I whether by that her I offended;
I know, it her shook from her toes to the head,
She took it all well, a moment in silence held;
She adjudged me as honest in what all I said,
For years how we played, she algate witness'd,
But cracking it so sudden not she expected;
She loved me; I, her, a truth for us unsaid,
But baring naked truth in open wide world
Needs confidence and resolve to withstand
Turns it spawns in unexpected wild world;
And I held, the truth no more we should hide.

We were not face to face when I opened up,
In a distant call she did to comfort my hurt,
She thought she caused and explain her slip
In a plan we fixed that went how badly burnt;
No, I knew well her heart's uncontrolled swings,
Needed no comforts to lift me high on wings;
So I thought I must declare what in soul I hid -
I love you very deeply, I openly to her declared,
Never I you hurt, I said, I do remain far afield,
And you remain in soul and ever me you guide;
She took it all well, a moment in silence held;
She adjudged me as honest in what all I said.

Now I know, she replied, femininely modest,
No resentment a tad, nor embarrassment, least;
I felt, she longed more of me sing love's tune,
I met her with that, that what she, for me, means;
She heard it all in patience, longing for it more;
But, I was born, alas, three decades before her
And I shouldn't harm her life by binding to her,
While I have no spare space in to her to declare;
Have I mess'd up all in spite of being this old?
For, I reach'd now a barren, clueless dead-end,
And she, an endless wait from the wings of life;
Yet, we're forever one beyond the transient life.

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