I Loves You Poem by Swami Jeevan Ekin

I Loves You

I loves you, you loves I
I loves me, I loves I
I love mine, mine loves I
I love Myself, Myself loves I
I is I, I is not You
I loves Iself, I loves you not
I is I, not you
You is I, not you
I is, when you is not you
when I is, I is a reflection in you
I sees I in you
You is An I, I is an amoeba
proliferate to become another I
I is the world,
I is not the beginning;
An I is an end but
The life is strange Ekin
I is paradoxical and ludicrous
Irony has it, I has a gender too
I knows not any hue and creed
I knows not any hue and breed
I knows not any border

I is arduous in ambit
All the conditioning is in I
Spurious is I, so is the conditioning
If I is, where is the you then
If You is, where is the I then
I contemplates I in you
I is not when you is not
I is shadow of a man under the sky
Shadow is a fake identity
All the shadows are same Ekin
Ready to bear the scorching heat
Ready not to sneak into the shade

The shade where the shadow of I is not
I is not when the shadow is not
shade is calm blissful divine and eternal void
I has a face Ilessness has no face
The shade is shadow less
Being shadow less is a blessing
Having shadow is Iness os servility
Being in the shade is Ilessness
The shadow is isness
The life is paradoxical Ekin
Face book has many I, and melting I
Tears on the facebook;
Tortoise sneaking into the shade
Tears on the facebook;
Tortoise knows not the path to the shadow
Every one has I
I belongs to no one
Why should everyone belong to I then
Having and I is agonizing
Leaving I is pleasantly agonizing
Death of I is not;
Death of the mind and body
Presence of I is sub-human;
Absence of I is human and humane
Wow! Ekin’s poem has many I
Life is strange Ekin; really
The I is cosmological
The I is a cosmic joke Ekin
Ekin is a label; I loves you too Ekin
Fear not the shade dear

Ekin The I

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