I Need Your Help Poem by Shilesha Johnson

I Need Your Help

This break was suppose to be something that made me see what life was like without you
And the only way for that to happen is for me to completely loose you
For me to go days without hearing your voice
For us to want to speak but telling ourselves we have no choice
And though we’d like to think that this would ONLY make us stronger
It really made me last longer
And drift further away
And when you came
It made me happy
But taught me
That without you
I could finally be
And it wasn’t easy
And it still isn’t
But I had to deal with it
Because it was OUR decision
I’m not sure what to do anymore
Because you have always been and still are
WORTH fighting for
And there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to make this work
Because YOU’RE worth everything
And you DON’T deserve to hurt
BUT what happens when I start to have feelings for someone else
What do YOU suggest I do?
I need YOUR help
What do YOU think is best?
I don’t want to have to choose
Because my choice is always you
But I don’t think that choosing you will stop my feelings for him
What do I do?
I’m asking for your help again

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