I Saw Her Beauty Poem by Thabani Khumalo

I Saw Her Beauty

An ugly man came contrasted in my way
and made the place seem unattractive to the view
by the amount of furs all over his face and hands,
he aroused my wrath to its most brutal cline -
I forgot all about mercy and switched into a beast.

I rolled up my sleeves and got all prepared
to direct a bum down a very difficult road until
I saw a beautiful woman emerge among the crowd
and I instantly remembered to be calm and really sweet -
and in all my blazing wrath, I remembered mercy,
I was saved by the bright look alone
when I was ready to kill a foolish man with my bare hands...
I don't ever want to be an intentional murderer!

Sunday, January 6, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: beauty
Dr Antony Theodore 06 January 2019

I saw a beautiful woman emerge among the crowd and I instantly remembered to be calm and really sweet - and in all my blazing wrath, I remembered mercy, ..........How beauty changes us in moments of negative reactions. this power of beauty is divine, it can be in nature or in persons.......... thank u dear for this great philosophy.. tony

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