I Understand Poem by Nom Nom Nom

I Understand

I go on the bus feeling sick to my stomach;
man I need some luck;
can't even stand to look at the strangers around;
all I want to do is sit on the ground;
when all the seats are taken;
I'm on that bus for a reason;
not to torture myself with the fact that they're all strangers;
worried to death with all these dangers;
I need to be around people, can't be alone again;
help me now like you did when;
when I was hurt and lonely;
when I was sad and angry;
when I thought I was at the end;
you were there to be my friend;
but now;
now you're different somehow;
I feel for you more stronger, yet I know I shouldn't;
I always told myself I wouldn't;
I always thought I couldn't;
but I do, and I don't understand why;
I need your help when I break down and cry;
when I want to hurt enough to die;
but what I really need is for you to never ever say goodbye;
I'll be there when you wake up in the morning;
I'll be there to be apart of the hugging;
and when you're breaking;
I'll lend a hand;
just because I understand.

~ Nom ~

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