I Wanted It To Be You Poem by Martin Greyford

I Wanted It To Be You

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It was not goodbye I said
But you chose to leave
In a blink of an eye.
Said you'd moved on.
How broken was I.

Fate maybe destined us
Not to be together
Either in this life nor the life to come.
Anyway, It did bring us
Together for a couple of minutes.

How happy would I be
If It was really you
Walking down the aisles
On a new red carpet
With that long

Beautiful white wedding gown.
Imagine the magic
We would have created
The perfect timing of
Our own dance.

Not rhumba, salsa or ballet
But having time to perform
Our love dance in our own tune
The crowd cheering and
Joining later in a couples ball dance.

It would have been indeed
A remarkably memorable day that
One can't really forget and
If it was a video, it would be
Or replay all day long.

I really wanted it to be you
Walking with me to the honeymoon suite
Having to sleep and
Wake up next to you
Being the first person

I'll be thinking when I wake up
In the morning and
The last person to turn off my mind.
You left and never looked back again.
I wanted it to be you.

Carrying and bearing
Our offsprings out from the insides of you
Nursing and caring them
The one who would tuck
Them to bed and kiss them

Goodnight on the forehead.
Well, somebody took that place
And did all that
I had anticipated.
It should have been you.

Saturday, December 4, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: blind love
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