I Would Like To Watch You Praying, Poem by Mohammad Younus

I Would Like To Watch You Praying,

I would like to watch you praying,
Which may not happen;
I would like to watch you hearing,
Which may not happen;
I would like to sit with you in your Study Circle,
Which must happen;
I would like to remember your teaching,
Which must happen,
When the smooth, soft waves of divine word...
... slide over my head;
I would like to walk with you through that...
...lucent wavering garden...
...of evergreen leaves...
With its cool bright sun & four streams,
Towards the place where the Light must descend,
Towards God's first love, that is Me;
I would like you to give me the silver branch,
Inviting me to visit your realm;
I would like to learn the mystic word from you,
That would protect me from the grief...
... at the center of my dream;
I would like to follow you up the long steep way
...again and again;
I would like you to provide me the boat,
That would row me back to the ocean;
I would like to carefully stand between the two oceans,
Where I could get water of life in two cupped hands;
So that I could enter the immortality...
...as easily as breathing in;
I would like to be the light that inhabits with me for ever;
I would like to be that unnoticed love,
That is necessary to know my essence.


I Would Like To Watch You Praying,
Saturday, November 7, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: master
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