If When We Fail Poem by Michael P. Johnson

If When We Fail

We need to love our fellow man
Forgive the deeds they’ve done
For this was surely Heaven’s plan
When God sent down His Son

Upon the cross, Christ too forgave
He loved with all His heart
He died for man to see no grave
And give a brand new start

From God’s true word we understand
For Christ; to wear His crown
Humility; must take a stand
And pride must topple down

But if we fail and if we fall
If from life’s path we stray
Let humble hearts to Jesus call
To seek God’s chosen way

When deep remorse tears souls apart
When Satan’s found us weak
A silent prayer can bless our heart
When truly Christ we seek

To heart and soul look deep inside
Let truth within us reign
Let Light expose the filth we hide
Let Fire cleanse every stain

Let self no longer interfere
Nor disobedience rule
Let humble hearts learn God to fear
And play no more the fool

But woe to those with selfish eyes
Who’s heart is filled with pride
Will not The Lord their prayers despise?
And turn His face to hide?

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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