Immortal Love Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Immortal Love

Rating: 4.5

Timeless you are, timeless, our bond,
Timeless is the course we are to traverse,
Timeless is the desire I suffer for you,
Timeless we live in each other's arms.

Timeless is the yarn that spun us close
In warps and woofs of time's textures,
Timeless am I until I have you for me,
Till I breathe in you, you light my soul.

Timeless is cosmos till we live for each,
Till sunshine and moonlight light for us,
Till springs come back after every winter
To bind us closer every succeeding year.

Nights follow days in recurring cycles
To purge the ennui that wraps the Earth;
Time does very oft snatch you from me
To rattle me in search thro' celestial nooks.

I fly to troughs of far ends of cosmos
And grope for you in celestial darkness
In hope against hope till worn wings fail,
Till heart, shuts, and all lights extinguish.

Voila, you rise from unknown horizons
Like free and fresh dazzling morning star
And you seize me with your divine light
And lays bare worlds once we lived together.

On zenith, I respond, and reach the crest,
Flowers blossom and spring spurts out,
And we strive to reach for togetherness,
Only to find us time, alas, drifting apart.

We struggle and fight to tame the time
And find us bleeding from the struggle
In helpless grief and shattering pains
Till time from me snatches you again.

Like day and night and spring and winter,
This grief and joy goes round and round;
Alas, it is total grief, only half is the joy,
Yet, we move in love, strength to strength.

Life is strife, and life is a long process
To the invisible end where all we move;
Strife and struggle and the grief and pain
But passages to build our immortal love.

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