Impressed: Anger Is A Habit Poem by Margaret Alice Second

Impressed: Anger Is A Habit

Tim LaHaye is an excellent psychologist,
he devised seven steps for curing anger,
resentment and bitterness:

Recognise anger as harmful and counter-
productive, a problem to be overcome by
achieving the victory

Clearly express anger while repeating the
decision to let go of angry thought-patterns
over and over

Forgive those who caused anger, knowing
you have done, or have the capacity to do
the same or worse

Repeat the procedure when hostile thoughts
return, giving thanks in every case of insult,
rejection and injury

Be thankful for everything as thankfulness
is therapeutic, helps to reduce the flaming
anger and brings positive thoughts

Filled with love for others, including object of
wrath - then you cannot be plagued by anger
and hostility yourself

Anger is a habit of temperament ignited by any
distress or unpleasant conditions; anger can
ruin your mind, health, business

And family life; repeat above formula when-
ever you get angry because doing it only
once cannot help immediately

The formula has to be acquired by carefully
cultivated habit which can then become
second nature

pp 280 - 282
Why You Act The Way You Do - Tim LaHaye,
Tyndale House Publishers, Living
Books edition,1984

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