In Eternal Elegance Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

In Eternal Elegance

A chapter is love in a man's life,
It sinks deep and occupies his whole
And makes him hollow and lost when it dies;
But love is all of life for a woman,
Essence, very being, the light of her life;
It soaks her whole in its huge bulk
And dies with her, parting only at her death;
She does rise beyond and floats in its field,
But never any more can come out of the fold
Till she breathes last and dissolves in the vast;
It is how a man in love is made,
It is how a woman in love is made.

But, you aren't just a chapter in my life,
Nor I die to you while you dissolve in the vast;
You are my essence, the light of my life,
You soak my whole in love's huge bulk
And never I can rise out of your fold.

You rise and set like the Sun in heaven
Beyond the brinks of hopes and grief,
Oft touching the zenith of the mid-day Sun,
Oft reaching the trough of the midnight dark,
Giving me shocks of deep joy and despair
In cycles that shatter confidence in me;
You are my hope, my light, confidence;
The glimmer of advent you ignited in me
Navigates me along long channels of grief
To reach far shore where we meet and live
Like Goddess and God in eternal elegance
Beyond fleeting cycles in true poise and peace.

Thursday, February 23, 2012
Topic(s) of this poem: life,love
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