In Every Gap Of Time Poem by Mohammad Younus

In Every Gap Of Time

Rating: 5.0

In every gap of time,
In this terror-stricken valley,
I can't look out through my window,
I can't step out of my door
I can't watch the sun rising
I can't listen the birds singing
My neighbour has seized my land
He changes its borders,
He redraws its geography
He tries to get me out,
And settle his kith and kin here
He tries to annihilate me,
And change the demography,
My young children are dumped...
In unmarked graves, unmourned,
My people - young and old...
Are ruthlessly done to death...
And stripped of all human rights,
My leaders, and my children...
Are rammed in torture cells;
Some placed with murderous criminals,
Some killed by mysterious guns,
Come and see, my children are not safe!
Come and see, my elders are not safe!
Come and see, my women are not safe!
I am at my worst, I am a Kashmiri,
I belong to an endangered race,
But nobody seems to care...
Despite the recent uproar;
Occasionally I ask myself:
Hey! Am I really a human?


Thursday, December 12, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: supressed
Mahtab Bangalee 12 December 2019

Come and see, my children are not safe, Come and see, my elders are not safe, Come and see, my women are not safe, I am at my worst, I am a Kashmiri, //// superb utterance; like it

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