In Pinnacles Poem by Majid Gaggi

In Pinnacles

There, at high branches among the peaks
Yes in Pinnacles
Ripple and bustles Aches
Aches which grows green
And then blooms roses
Then saturate the air with
Nice Fragrant perfume
Send reflections and insights
That loads the clouds
Which follows by goodness, the rain?
Giving life and greening the earth
Pains and sorrows
Ripple bustles with pain?
Ignite the remnants and effects
Recondition old piled which is Parked
And Forgotten In a cemetery angles
By the fire of nothing
Only feel by
The light of the space and time
Banners and flags held high
Of light shining gloss...
The brightness of the thought
Like the blooming flowers
Reflections inspiration... and Fantasies
Poems and writings that
Comes and stems
From a fountain and a spring
Of the Eternal life
I saw you there...
Cruising around your environment
Touring around and spins
Much more much
Refreshing from tripper wine
That is Coming and manufactured
From the groves of goodness
Of the land of goodness
Which you work in
There in the peaks
Ripple and teeming with pains
Coming from
Being of the peoples of
Tragedies and grief
Your site and your place
At yesterday, today, and tomorrow
The eternal and timeless...
Hey you…

Sunday, January 10, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: lifestyle
Edward Kofi Louis 10 January 2016

Nature! ! Respecting the muse of creation. Nice work.

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