In Praise Of My Father In Heaven Poem by Alexandre Nodopaka

In Praise Of My Father In Heaven

O Lord how stunning to see your name
emblazoned in print nearly 3 decades
after your passing.

Hallowed be your name I see
in professional French books and articles,
and in Russian language and English print.

I remember when I was little and
had nothing to myself but my nickname
how silently proud I was to be your son.

And how eager I was to match your
then already in print notoriety that I sought
even by proxy. Your kingdom has come,

your will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven.
I remember to this day how proud I was
to see my own name the first time

in newspapers displaying my maladroit
scooter-driving feats that ended
under a truck.

And now that you have reached the apogee
you so long ago deserved, only now I can,
with my eyes tearing, show how much

I still love you.
O dear Father, thank you for the bread
you brought to my eager mouth

and all that teaching to my ears.
I still hear you, three quarters centuries later
leading me, not into temptation.

Check mate!

Thursday, November 12, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: poem,pome
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