In The Shade Of An Old Tree Poem by David Harris

In The Shade Of An Old Tree

Sitting in the shade of an old tree,
away from the scorching sun
on a lovely summer's day;
listening to the brief silence
when the birds have forgotten to sing
as a slight breeze ruffles
leaves of tree and plant alike
as I sit in silence with nature as one.

Looking around at the remnants
of forgotten days with friends,
their laughter still captured
amongst the long discarded things.
Days have moved on
through the passage of time,
but some things always remain
like the tree under which I sit
being with nature as one.

Sometimes we forget all the simple pleasures
we had with hotdogs and cups of tea
simply conversing with our friends
long gone now into our past
to live with our memories
that surface now and then
when we sit and ponder
over the years we had before.

Nature commands us to look
at its wonders about untold
especially when we sit alone
in the deep silence of our world.
In this we respect all that surrounds us
on this world we call our home
and the beauty in nature's bounty
that revolves around us every year.

19 July 2014

Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: miscellaneous
David Harris

David Harris

Bradfield, England
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