Indira Clavijo Montecinos I Love You Poem by Clinton Siegle

Indira Clavijo Montecinos I Love You

Indira Clavijo Montecinos an delicate love story to be discovered by the best

Need I disclose to you that I am witnessing an amazing story day by day

dear lady, to be in love with a person for a billion years was a hope

I did not realize that now two billion years has gone by and even possibly more is awkward

Reality, I appreciate you more and more

A lovely lady

Clavijo your father's name and wonderful man

love is not what I expected

A passion for persistence is what love is

vivid love,

I personally think my faults are enduring

Jokingly I hurt without reason

Open eyes I stare as a closed time curved loop traveler wondering

Monecicinos de Cortes

only in Bolivia could I find this peace

never would I have dreamed of this peace

eternity is awkward when reliving a day backwards in time in someone else eyes

carrying is peace

I doubt anyone will believe me

could I believe me if I did not live this way

I doubt it

now I see Illamini moving

open your eyes

silly Clinton r. Siegle in love for a lot longer than forever was ever dreamed in my space.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: love
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