Injealetent & Keith Olbermann Poem by Luke Easter

Injealetent & Keith Olbermann

What the heck’s this, searched Webster’s never seen or heard,
Okay, Incompetence and Jealousy combine to form this word,
A relentless barrage of interference from those who cannot do,
Their job & they are out to create obstacles so neither can you.

They only have primary characteristics the afore mentioned two,
And come hell or high water their only goal is not going through,
Because, if someone who knows what they’re doing ever gets in,
'Injealetent' are aware their next stop is the dreaded trash bin.

The most outlandish problems with the public sector of the U.S.?
It deprives the country of receiving leadership from the very best,
As elected officials will promote their family, lovers and friends,
Surely this is where the dirty deals and back door politics begins.

“Why Nothing Works” is a featured article from William S. Lind,
He tells how the streetcar took you to work & back home again,
Truly those days are far beyond the nightmares of transit today,
Mechanical problems & route cuts leave cabs as the only way.

Supposedly there is factual evidence that 911 was an inside job,
From our political arena & not someone connected to the Mob,
The ability to do the job in today’s world makes you a liability,
This only adds to the chaos-energized confusion of the mystery.

Woe be unto the person who actually works eight hours a day,
As anyone who actually does a good job has gotten in the way,
Standards for performance are higher along with accountability,
Not to promote but whom to fire is what they are looking to see.

Bill is right, back in the day people were rewarded not dismissed,
Good workers received a pat on the back, sometimes even a kiss,
You’d better be careful how you market your interpersonal skills,
The diagnosis is a terminal one as it’s a loosing, battle of the wills.

All jobs should be like the game of football and their quarterback,
If you always throw interceptions or fumble the ball under attack,
Performance, statistics & results are criteria positioning who will,
It should be like General Patton, “I’ll relieve them of duty until…”

Does anyone need an example? Okay, this is how it would be,
Investigate that fiasco between Keith Olbermann and MSNBC,
One of a handful who, “consistently” challenged the status quo,
Speaking justice this reporter & commentator had to be let go.

I can still remember his early days on Sports Center at ESPN,
That smirk of confidence via his knowledge the smile, his grin,
He could take a simple single and turn it into the greatest play,
Others tried to accomplish, for him it always came out that way.

Isn’t it amazing that a guy with this talent then again maybe not,
Could be cool as a cucumber discussing topics so politically hot,
Had Keith been the kind of guy to fear adversity and back down,
Not rock the boat, surely he and his show would still be around.

Keith led the rally for truth, our only solace against George Bush,
Unabashed, composed, eloquent, well versed, not afraid to push,
The sigh of relief among broadcasters, this guy was finally let go,
Relax, no more looking over the shoulder standing on their toes.

Neither Olbermann nor NBC are talking publicly yet and rightly so,
Because one wrong word, a law suit, he can forget another show,
Allegedly Comcast didn’t like the way he built castles in the sand,
Since his house wasn’t built on their foundation it could not stand.

This Keith guy was a real Maverick in the arena of talk show lore,
When everyone succumbed to pressure, “K.O.” would give more,
A knock out punch he know would get him thrown out of the ring,
So if he ever had a chance to do it over again? Same damn thing.

So, there you have it, those two words in action, prime example,
And unfortunately this incident is just one of too many samples,
As the hard facts are never fun or popular they must be relayed,
Taking back the basketball, by my rules only the game is played.

Now is it any wonder the system starting from the top is corrupt?
Until the jealous & incompetent are removed they will keep it up,
It goes way beyond the, “The Peter Principle” which has an end,
Only complete personnel replacements allows, change to begin.

Now forget all the rigmarole, how well you performed in the past,
Only what is completed today will make an impression that lasts,
I’ve come up with many combinations of words I’d like to invent,
None have even come close to the creative genius, “Injealetent.”

w/Tim King

Luke Easter

Luke Easter

Cleveland, Ohio
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