Introduction Of Myself Poem by MAHTAB BANGALEE

Introduction Of Myself

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I am not a writer, not a poet, not a literateur, not a critic
I am a reader, like to read myself within world literature
I write sometimes something willy-nilly,
I write the whirling words of my mind haphazardly
I write in different website by different name
My writings are me, the real me not for fame

Here I cry
For the absolute sight
To lit self inner light
as the godly eye

By born Bangladeshi I am,
like to live around the world through poetic diction.
Love everyone as a human being.

Although your thorn bleeds me
Yet, I give you ROSE.
Cause I love you.

I cannot bear the sword to kill you
in those of my hands I've carried flowers
Because I love you and this I'm, the love for you.
This you are my life, my universe, and my GOD.

I sow a seed of ROSE into the pure soil of my heart
for everything and everyone
This world is full of verities colors
I need every single color
By these colors, I want to dye me
I want to spread the seed of ROSE over the entire world
Every petal of this ROSE will carry PEACE and FRAGRANCE of LOVE for everyone

For me-
Knowledge is a supreme power
Love is almighty and worshiping tower
Love through knowledge is almighty supreme GOD

Love, love everyone, love you all O HUMAN being.

-Chattogram, Bangladesh

Introduction Of Myself
Monday, December 30, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: expressions,self
Aniruddha Pathak 31 December 2019

Very ardent, sincere introduction of oneself, dear MB

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Ravinder Soni 30 December 2019

Khoob kaha hai apne dil ka haal - kaash hum bhi kisi unwaan bayaan kar dekhte.

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