It Keeps Him Moving Poem by Robert Abok

It Keeps Him Moving

People walk in and out of our lives,
For a reason, a season or a lifetime at least that's what he believes
Some come to kill us, while others come to lie to us, some come to be with us.
Some be with us for a short time, we miss them when they're gone because they made a great impact.
Others be with us forever and make no effect

But if we are lucky, as he hopes he is,
You meet that person knowingly or not
And you make a choice to be with them
You make a decision and live by the subsequent consequences
These are the people we want and hope to spend the rest of our lives with; well at least that's what we think.

This person or people at times take your love for granted.
Assuming all you do and you hope they be held in contempt at heart
All they do is betray, annoy, lie, to make you go away but you just get hurt
You persist and take that as a challenge, an opportunity to prove your worth.
It's the belief that everything happens for a reason, a season or a lifetime that's keep you moving
It's a fact that you've chosen her for a lifetime.

Robert Abok

Robert Abok

Lodwar - Kenya
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