It Sure Is A Long Way Poem by margaret haig

It Sure Is A Long Way

It sure is a long way down off the bed, when you slip in an awkward way,
Then realize when think and can't walk, your chair is on the other side;
Then you soon hurt every where, for a moment you feel you need to stay;
Cause a break feels it happened, as you fell hard, not just a slow slide.

It sure is a long way to get to the top, as the mountaineer struggles slow,
Slowly each step upon slippery rock, he wonders if he should dare;
But each minute, each inch, he gets closer, the mountain top does show
Then at last he does it, he arrives, then is glad he is at last there.

It sure is a long way, for that one who has to restart all over again,
At first they feel it's so hard, they want to give up the fight;
After the stroke, or accident, which has affected their brain,
But each little thing that you find you've done, you then see the light.

It sure is a long way when the one who is battling an addiction,
To say they've got a problem, and they need the help to stop;
From drugs, to drink, and gambling, it can cause some friction,
But even the addiction, of buying too much when they're at the shop.

It sure is a long way in the walk of life, to change around,
A life of crime, of hatred and guilt, but help is what they need;
But; God knows everything and it's hard, but you need to have found,
All He wants is to ask God to help, and he'll help the lost indeed.

I had a fall from bed down onto floor and it was a long way back to bed.
margaret haig

margaret haig

Carlton Vic
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