Jamaica Poem by Nassy Fesharaki


Humid and hot is this day of the July
Scattered and few are sitting as we do
Every day in this hall, except for those three,

I met him once again, was sitting in his car
His gadgets of hockey spread to dry

And he talked; honestly I was shocked to hear 'Jamaica',

In my mind was the bowl
‘Empty, washed-cleaned and dry set in rack'
With my mind similar
‘Empty of all things'
But the bird seeking food
On asphalt of the street
And the cars that were jammed
'Crazy? '
I had asked, 'Or afraid and careful, hungry and needful
Or maybe, bird is wise; a naughty observant? '

Now his talk
Every word particle in space, in skies and oceans, atmosphere
And he was a radio; words don't end

Stories came and came:
'Do not talk; just listen'
Was among what he said.
'They may say lots and lots
Even what may never come to mind to question...'
And again he was right:
'Once I met a young boy in the jail.'
He said then:
'Convicted for eight years; maximum for minor.'
That is when he mentioned Jamaica as birthplace for himself and that boy.
He went on:
'He was dumped when three.
His mother left for aunt.
His aunt, his sponsor, left our world soon after.
His end was home-foster.
No one cared as they should.
He dropped the school.
Stories of his pain...
No ear was to hear.
Till that girl...single child...came around
Could not bear and she left.
He found her...knifed, stabbed and killed her.
Then came eight, minor child's maximum.
Five to be inside jail; next three to retrain, '
That was when he was there.
Then he talked:
'Now he is preacher; soon will be full pastor.'
And he talked.
And I heard.
'The child was sponsored by parents of the girl;
They had been unaware of boy's past
They knew what was said by police and lawyers.'

'We, mankind, always love stories.'
Say writers, among them Steve King.
They are right.

Stories never end; neither he.
So he talked.
So he talked.
So he talked.

'I am white Jamaican.'
To me was, a ‘surprise'.

'I am mix; Indian and German, Spanish, England...melting pot'
He said and I was lost.
'Let's confess, '
'Let's confess, ' I told me.
You are an ignorant.
I told me...that is right.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: storm
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