Just Something On My Mind Poem by Kayla Sharpe

Just Something On My Mind

When the rain falls down upon the roof top
At a steady speed
The sound that becomes of it
Puts right to sleep
With dreams vivid and wild
Nothing seems to ease them to halt
You dream of wonders beyond
And what would have been
You fall into a deeper trance
Remembering what could have been
There are tears that fall down like rain
Lost deep within the soul
You seem as though life is not as it seems
With days as bright as light
And nights as dark as black
Life seems to fail
As the heart breaks into
But a thought comes to mind
If life was to happen in dreams
Dreams of past
Then where would we be?
I wonder how dreams come to this
My mind all in a glaze
I'm not sure what life has to offer
Rain seems to ease the pain
Like when tears roll down my cheeks
If life was supposed to be filled with him
Then I would have no heart
A empty soul
With no care in sight
No love to share
Or no advice to give
I am happy where I am
With a soul so pure
With care of greatest
And love to share
I am thankful of who I am
And where I am at
Cause I'm blessed beyond belief
With the Lord by my side
Thank goodness for His word
Cause I don't know where I would be!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: Life
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