Kingdom Poem by mike monahan


Rating: 5.0

God looked around His Kingdom and found a heavenly face,
In you He saw a kindly soul in his heaven He kept you a place,
He wrapped His arms around you and elevated you to rest,
As His garden is full of beauty He only takes the best,

He saw you in your agony, He saw your tears fall like rain,
He knew it was time to take you away as
your body could take no more pain.

The stairway to his kingdom was for you the last hill to climb,
He then closed your weary eyelids,
and whispered now you are mine.

It broke many hearts to lose you,
But you did not go on your own.
A part of us went with you the day that God called you home...

Mike Monahan

Friday, March 6, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: life
life, death, God
John Joe Bradford 23 June 2015

This is terrific. I will pass it on to my friends. A wonderful poem to be read out in religious services.

435 0 Reply
Margaret O Driscoll 07 July 2015

Very touching, heartfelt, comforting to the bereaved I'm sure!

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Edna Miller Browne 11 June 2015

What a wonderful poem. showed it to a friend who had a recent bereavement. Broke their hearts but made them feel good.. so moving and spiritual.

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Tanya De Burgh 14 July 2015

mike this poem is so very sad but beautiful. I am so impressed with you!

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Dr Dorothy Lake 09 May 2015

I would say Mike, one of the best poems, ever!

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kaya Brodio 02 March 2024

This poem has been used by countless people in obituaries. A true gem

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Kevi Keego 14 July 2019

The ultimate in requiem! Great verse for all of a spiritual nature

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Gill Hipkin 30 December 2015

What a wonderful poem for those who grieve. A great poet Mike!

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Victoria Christina Royaldo 16 September 2015

So very spiritual. Full of hope for all our love ones left behind.

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Fred Scott 20 August 2015

After I read this I felt elated as I just lost a old friend. It brought a tear to my eye, What a beautiful verse full of hope and love.

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