Kokoko 1qe Poem by Hajime Midori

Kokoko 1qe

If you could join the orchestra, what instrument do you see yourself playing?

1. Violin
2. String bass
3. Trumpet
4. Flute

Key to A Night at the Symphony

It's important that you don't cheat for the results to be honest. After you've answered the above question, highlight the space below to reveal the interpretations.

Musical instruments are symbolic of members of the opposite sex. The paring of you and your instrument shows how you perceive yourself in making the music of love. The instrument you chose gives insight into what you think of as your strongest lovemaking technique.

1. Violin
The violin demands sensitive finger-work and a delicate touch with the bow to draw forth music from the taut strings. You see yourself as having the same awareness and skill in location and playing upon your partners’ most sensitive points. There’s a sense of adventure in the way your hands can create such beautiful music by running over the same familiar notes.

2. String bass
There’s a feeling of power gotten from taking position behind an enormous bass and making it call out in a tremendous moan. In love, your skill rests in the ability to bend your partners to your will, taking complete control, and driving them onward to pleasures they never imagined they could experience. You never ask permission, but that dominating character is what makes you so irresistible.

3. Trumpet
There’s no getting around it: your mouth is the strongest weapon in your arsenal. Whether it’s whispering love talk in your partner’s ear or exploring them with your lips, you have all the characteristics of the oral personality.

4. Flute
The flute demands incredible patience from those who want to master it. You show that same patience in the way you wear down partners with your persistence, determination, and stamina. Your lovers are often taken off guard when what they thought would be a brief recital quickly develops into a full
concerto in six movements.
Posted on Dec.31st,2006 L

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