Lamentations Of A Banker: A Poem Poem by Kawsar Khalil

Lamentations Of A Banker: A Poem

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I am a banker and that's my crime
Bear anyway all the bluff and be sublime

Work like a mule and without a pause
Just yawn with fatigue sharpens the claws

I have a family on ration card, but no family
They deserve my presence, that slips slowly

I reach home in the evening like a ragged sac
Even a touch at times makes me a windbag and I act like a crack

Thank God I have a little doll at my home
A lot of her mischief and a simple hug works like a balm

A banker is not more than a corporate pimp
Garnishing the basket to catch alien shrimp

In our part of the world, it is something more
No respect, like earning and living like a whore

Whatever the obscene lingo fall into the ear
Like a dumb ass, I am contrived to appear

I have no feelings, I am made of alloy
Why would I on the earth get so annoyed

My daughters, my sisters, my mothers have no grace
So all the vituperation visit straight to my face

Two categories of the people that are personified menace
In fact, they are a disgrace to the entire human race

One is a wilful defaulter raping the trust
An obnoxious serpent who loves to make a fuss

Then comes the ardent devotee of filthy lucre
Who even doesn't let the steam out of the cooker

Members of the board or who the hell they are
From the dignity of a laborer, they live in remiss quite afar

By every means, hook or crook, they have only one goal
Let in every quarter the profit to sky does it soar

To err is human is an outdated adage slayed
But still, I am a human, I am not a fay

I am not to err, in my diction, there is no word oversight
Because the dirty protocol says - the customer is always right

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