Last Farewell Poem by Brian Hairbottle

Last Farewell

Another soldier has passed, paying the ultimate price
for friend, family and country, no thought given for the sacrifice,
A young man is no more, he was still in the beginning years of life
but he had learnt early of the cost for the unending strife,
Still new to the privilege of a wife, raising his own family has he had
now will never know the joy or pride when called 'dad'.
His body, broken and battered, lays bloody in the brown grass
the shooting and explosions have run their course, there is little redress,
With ears ringing and numb minds, the finality is sinking in
time for us not to think about this but to move on and again,
Do what is required and expected of boys that are men growing up old
for those boys are not getting the chance for youth and fun, but now being warriors bold.

Calling for evacuation is not easy; the radio has taken a beating
somehow our voice is heard, help is on the way, yet time is fleeting,
We have moved the torn and bloody body, wrapped in a bivouac
transport will be easier taking our fallen brother back,
Sitting in the shade of the trees waiting, some smoke some stare into the blue yonder
thoughts are personal, not much talking as we wait and wonder,
Will we get back, who will be next, will we have peace, is there and end
to this road that seems to stretch to eternity without bend?

Silently in full military dress we stand beside the grave
of our friend, companion, brother in arms, never fearing always brave,
No matter the situation or the tight jamb we might be in
there was always our brother relieving the tension with a grin,
But now sadly - that has been stilled and taken
never more will there be the sounds of him being funny or brazen,
The coffin lowers into the ground, as with a collective sigh
the final farewell we will bade our friend is nigh.
A lone bugler standing in silence to one side, holding a respectful posture
Now stands at attention as he plays THE LAST POST, as befits a fine soldier,
A final honour
To our brother.

A wife and mother one day will have the daunting task
of explaining the small children why their father was gone, when they ask,
How will they understand the evil that invaded our land
that their father was in the forefront fighting - always at hand,
When the need arose to protect and defend home and hearth
even though it meant that there was a risk of death…

Sunday, June 18, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: military service
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