Lavender Poem by John Knight


Rating: 4.3

Lavender - Lavandula Angustilfolia!
Beautiful in appearance - unique in its scent,
Mauve petals on a slender stem exuding fragrance.
Lavender fields - English countryside - almost Heaven.

To yield its essence - precious 'Oil of Lavender'
The lavender must die, be crushed and then steamed.
Oil of Lavender - steam volatile scent of Paradise,
Drop by drop, litre by litre then barrel by barrel.

A whole fiield sacrificed mercilessly
To produce a few barrels of Lavender Oil.
What will it become? Perfume, Bath oil, Cosmetics
Lavender soap, shampoo, powder and candles.

The list is endless and its properties are legion.
It relaxes, stimulates, aids digestion,
It is antiseptic and antibacterial,
Antidandruff and revitalises the skin.

In aromatherapy Lavender Oil is King.
It sooths, calms, relieves tension and depression.
We could all benefit form lavenders powers,
A Lavender Oil massage takes you to Paradise.

What is Lavender Oil? - What makes it so powerful?
A mixture of chemicals? - You'll be sorry you asked!
Linalyl Acetate - limonene and camphor
Alpha - terpineol and trans-Ocimenene.

Its unique complex composition - forged in Heaven,
Makes Lavender Oil the Queen of all perfumes
Makes it the most therapeutic and effective.
A lavender-bag, under your pillow - SWEET DREAMS! !

Dedicated to the Lovely Lady who Loves Lavender!

Philosophy of a DewyFlower 18 September 2009

A perfect description! LAVENDER is WONDERFUL! I bloom a perfect 10 My Mysterious Flower. Fragrant -Mauve, Violet, Purple - Flower is my best Flower in my Garden Tower she makes me at ease – gives me Power Lavender Flower - Mysterious Flower what a relaxing scent! There is No More Stress a field of Lavender thwarts a deep Sadness she is the balm, she soothes my annoyance Just one deep breath- I go into a trance her enigmatic color, makes me pensive meditiative contemplative, introspective, reflective. I wonder about the Lavender scenery Silently I dive deep in my Spiritual Mysterious Ocean I am no North, no South, no East, no West I am her Faithful Captive. ............

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John Knight

John Knight

Liverpool - UK
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