Lay Mind In Conscience's Fold Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Lay Mind In Conscience's Fold

This world is fair and simple,
Everything is here truly ample;
Greed renders life a bad gamble
To reduce world to sad shamble.

One and two do make three,
Fixed solutions are world's key;
Our minds, whatever maths be,
Exceed briefs and jolly run free.

It's damn easy to blame all others
For our slips that fail us hithers;
Those who fail, blame weathers,
Instead of planning their affairs.

Discordance of the mind and matter
Lies beneath all disorders wherever;
One pulls hither; the other, thither,
Our world in-between goes asunder.

Have your mind in tight leash,
Your mind is vast power house;
If you leave it to its wild wish,
It reduces you to cat's poor mouse.

While mind in hold, all goes good,
All clockwise reaches timely threshold;
Egality and fairness become byword,
Peace and contentment rule this world.

Mind is power, and to be in hold,
What is good, roll mind to its mould;
Freedom is base; self-hold is gold,
Lay your mind in conscience's fold.

Friday, April 8, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: life,philosophy
Edward Kofi Louis 08 April 2016

In-between goes asunder! ! Nice work.

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