Let Me In Poem by David Lacey

Let Me In

Now we are left suckling upon exhausts
The slow hum drum chur of droning tarmac snakes acting as our lullabies.

A feather floats down from the heavens
And I laugh - I laugh in the hope of crying.

Who are these girls wearing rose tainted shades within the shadow night?
Dressed for the parade unwinding?
I have no time for hollow masks.

I have gathered for you crystal stones from the garden lost.
The gate was hidden within the canopy of the Willow man

In the midst of the garden there was a girl
Crimson hair - starlit eyes
Angelic proportions - a smile to melt the heart of a tyrant
The ocean breathes within her eyes
And now in leaving her without a kiss
It seems that I have missed the opportunity to know love
But I shall strive towards the knowledge of her dreamtime sanctuary.

Every moment in passing was worth the wait
For now I have seen her
Looked her in the eye
Goddess of harmony
God head of beauty
I can not get you from my mind.

Strange Girl
Strange Boy
Strange World
Strange Joy

And laid within the arms of the girl whom I adore
What more could I want for?
Stroking the hair that hangs so loose around her neck

Blue veins - milk skin
Let me in.

David Lacey

David Lacey

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