Life Is An Ocean Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Life Is An Ocean

Life is an ocean,
No shore anywhere around
And I sail alone
‘Midst salt water that hounds
Me from all sides,
And I'm shaken like dry leaves,
And rise and fall in high tides;
Nothing really here move by itself,
Nor I know why all began,
Or when and where all finish;
No compass to aid navigation,
No footprints on water make
And I lost all direction;
But I move as waves take
And sail for sail's sake.

It's all salty, salt, salt,
Nowhere from that to halt;
Breeze is salt, wind is salt,
What I perspire is salt,
What I breathe in and out is salt,
Cloths enwrap me are salt;
I sail thro' salt,
Dreaming of sweet
Of reaching the shore.

I'm tired,
For, ocean is rough,
But, whatever may come or go,
I should sail hard and tough
All thro' the endless struggle
Till providence shows up
Along the unending maze
A stop to this blind race;
I'm weathered to bone,
Drenched in salt sweat,
But no rest at sight;
The sun is fiercely hot,
Burning all around,
But clouded is my world
Like lonely ghost in burial ground
And I'm dried out,
And struggling for breath.

How long this struggle?
How long should I wriggle
On this wasteful sail?
Left and right,
Back and front,
All look alike,
Sheer water unto horizons,
No trace of shore anywhere;
Where should I turn,
No parameters to choose;
How far should I sail,
No signboards to mark;
It's tides ‘neath
And winds above
Carry me forth,
And I like dry leaves
Float anywhere they carry
Till some tides throw me ashore
Somewhere for no reason;
That is my stand in this sail,
That is my stamp on this world -
Mere sweep on the water mass,
No footprint anywhere to last.

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