Life Is Sound And Fury Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Life Is Sound And Fury

Life is furious tumultuous ocean
Of mountainous tides and wild winds;
Life is a mysterious long labyrinth
Of tangled pathways leading nowhere.

It is chess, often ending in a mess,
Where none follow the rules of moves;
All in race to overtake the all else,
And tumbles over flat and lose their all.

It is fierce rat race in undefined maze,
All blindly running to the first opening;
All in the clouds, neither here nor there,
Trying to impress all else everywhere.

Swept by tides and caught in winds,
Life rises and drowns across the times
In unpredictable moods of wild nature
In gross shocks grief and joy bestow.

Time is endless and shoreless ocean
Life swims in where none ever know;
Yet it pushes onward in wild bounces,
And ferociously rolls in ups and downs.

Creeps in ant-hills, traverse galaxies
With nothing in sight to grapple with;
Abundance somewhere, scarce a' where,
Imbalance is the life walking on legs.

Life is a fight, a fight for no ends,
A struggle, struggle without means;
A ruthless process for process' sake,
A lifeless nirvana waiting at the end.

Nothing, certain; nothing, ever safe,
Change to change, how life transforms;
Life is not free, life is never peace,
Life is sound and fury, leading nowhere.

Monday, April 18, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: life,philosophy
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