Life Of ‘pi'Ous! Poem by Gunde Narsing Rao

Life Of ‘pi'Ous!

God is omnipotent; only is to see through timely bruise
As guard of nature to ward off such through magic truce,
Might have engulfed around pathetically plying sublimes
Seeks answers to free hackles of murkily stationed whims,
Pondering whether to shelter your ‘self' or gusty others
As stigmatized ‘belief' hardly to meandering any further,
Streaming extremes results though emphatically manifold
Subjecting to a divine force to scrambling themselves old,
Such tearing intensity unbearable so as psych burnt hole
Yet fearing almighty pondering hope to shelter a new role,
Hunger and pain though ‘mistaken' fortunate even a beast
Which can't live a while without some hunted gory meat,
May divine residing latently through imposed such pain
While making only be felt; to offer mighty whips to reign,
A ‘reason' might be working behind tracking daily deeds
As line of glory; may divinity awaiting to resume indeed,
An ardent culted will can only survives such nature's cliff
Ordering to seek godly faith to be followed rest of our life.

On 26th November 2012,15: 30

Inspired by the narrative of English film: Life of Pi

‘Life of Pi'ous…

In this poetic response there was a sense of philosophical inquiry to be cherished with for the phenomenal understanding in continuing the virtuous deeds done by people while leading an adventurous daily life. There might have been in merit to proclaim to emphasize the attribution to the 'Faith' or 'Religion', yet, seeks an understanding of a broader outlook laced with scientific disposition in order to lay down a religious life. Challenges in daily lives can be seen as 'usual' to come across in a 'materialistic' sense and on other hand, there may be a chance to 'belief' for resting the 'burden' of 'thinking' about God onto a metaphorical entity irrespective of any philosophical inquiry or 'otherwise' while leaving the 'Judgment' to 'Others' to be followed. The 'Otherness' which actually transcribes the 'Mythereality', if not handled well or kept in the hands of untested faithful persons that, in future course, may turn into a curse for the 'true faith' itself. Then the overall configuration of the belief in God or Religion itself would become a psychic platform for 'vested inquiry', if not controlled by true faithfully. This requires the thorough understanding of the religious canon, scriptures and a strong faith in the concept of divinity of particular religion is preaching about and that in extension, particularly in 21st century, demands scientific outlook that could well co-exist or even intertwined with the growing rationality and its belief in science which was/is always an 'after -the- test' phenomenon and provides explanation along with ample evidences.

We have learned in the history of philosophy, which, during its classical times -maintained a bent towards idealistic phenomenon in an attempt to explain this worldly phenomenon, though, might have had been confines to its limited accessibility to knowledge/sources to dwell upon. Which had been 'the thought' that could have seen the then world in its 'restricted 'perspective. Later, we can found, it tried to suit its results to growing 'consciousness' or 'rational' thinking; a sense of believing in the ‘reason' of any kind which might not have been invented/discovered yet, though impacting through its empirical effects; which manifested or surfaced through then current history that resulted in ‘the' historical events and subsequently changing ‘the' phenomenon which, again, awaiting for another philosopher to dwell upon by its own sons until present materialistic phenomenon which furthering towards a cyborg world. Likewise we conceive the sequential explanatory history of philosophy was/is trying to 'add' whatever was given by ‘inquiry' while impacting the religious lives of people to a clinching point where it is unable to explain that, again, leaving the space to Religion and God, admirably and it still continuing- and it should continued. Because it would be difficult to view this world without a Religion/God to explain to 'ignorant' and, in course, to subject them to a divine power and to left in 'controlled' virtuous life beside blocking 'faithful' ignorant to 'interpret' the divine God, who always guides through his canons metaphorically and as spirit he continues in its canonical tradition under pious super visionary clergy who are supposed to have been as gods voice to any religious following.

And, now, present God should be a scientist/philosopher himself who parallels both by his religion to explain with scientific supplementary without clashing. If we construe this conceptual dialogue to the feature film (Life of Pi; directed by Ang Lee) which inspired me to write this poem/poet's note that subsume as, the Bengal Tiger, which was seen though as trained animal initially at ‘Zoo', was replaced with the Divine Will that ‘controlled out' to save the protagonist (Piscine Patel) from its increasing appetite, that was as natural for any animal, but due to 'trained''; may seen as a divinity in itself due to without impure human intelligence, that usually seen as if pre-motivated; in capturing the emotions and also has ‘managed' to survive on the ‘meager' food thrown away by the protective protagonist who eventually, can also be seen, as if trained by ‘invisible' divinity that occasionally seen through the eyes of animals—here Bengal Tiger, that makes a sense that some divine communicative graces might have operated along a catastrophic condition between protagonist and the Bengal Tiger on the tiny Ocean boat which not only left them alive, but also, through his sense of 'unknown divine' trained Will, was with him throughout which actually protecting concomitantly him and Tiger from such natural or empirical disastrous effects to survive. To sum up this story connotes that graceful attitudinal communication between ‘pure wills or minds' can be possible whether it may have been human or animal yet the ‘emotional understanding'—as Divine Will - remains there always to communicate with ‘Free-Will/Divine Will', but, only it needs is a
‘graceful and pure mind' to decode and understand, that, surpasses the naturally manifested ‘forms' or ‘truths' whatever may have been so.

Gunde Narsing Rao
Doctoral Scholar
The English and Foreign Languages University
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