Life Was A Crying Game Poem by suzan gumush

Life Was A Crying Game

Rating: 5.0

For too long
I've lived amongst the wicked and evil
Those selfish prides
And egotistical ways
For too long I had been battered
My world was nearly shattered
My inner good thoughts
Still remained
I nearly lost it all
When within a hungrey world
I did fall
All wanted much much more
I had to let go of that chore
All thoughts I did deplore
Like starving children
They came within there herds
First they would attack
Only the goodwill I would attract
Given them a piece of my mind
I gave them all something that was kind
Now they wander and cry my name
Only they know
Who lived in shame

Not a member No 4 04 March 2007

Susan, can you lop that extra stuff off the end of 'immediately' for me please. My fingers are out of control this morning. Took me two shots to get this bit right! Is it right? Cheers, jim.

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Frank James Ryan Jr...fjr 16 December 2006

Quite a quandried situation...Vivid imagework delivers your story so well... Smooth fluxing structure...Sokid crafting, Suzan fjr

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George P. Stasiuk 03 December 2006

Conflict (armed & otherwiise) comes across hard - fine write - got me somewhere between Bosnia and Northern Ireland. I felt the pain and saw the surroundings, Whew! ! Thanks.and keep 'em coming. George

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