(limerick) Intro To A Tom Swifty# 609 Poem by WES Vogler

(limerick) Intro To A Tom Swifty# 609

Rating: 5.0

(limerick) Intro To A Tom Swifty# 609

Though you've said that my ego's too heavy
More Cadillac-like than a Chevy...
Your head's full of sawdust
I'm really quite modest
Undeserving of any such levy

said Tom... with a ROLLS-ROYCE RUMBLE

(limerick) Intro To A Tom Swifty# 609
Sunday, July 15, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: fun,people
Kim Barney 11 August 2018

What a classy chassis! (The car, Wes, not the girl!)

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Red Soul 18 July 2018

I am pretty sure that Tom is a very humble human being: -) Thanks for the laugh Mr Vogler.

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wes vogler 18 July 2018

appreciate your look-in

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tom billsborough 16 July 2018

Wow, a great photo for a fun limerick. I think it would be my ego that would be at bursting point driving that beautiful vehicle. Think of all the glamour we'd attract. Keep on dreaming, lads.

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Kelly Kurt 15 July 2018

D'oh, I'm a Sherman tank.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 15 July 2018

If ego is too heavy this can break Chevy. Undeserving of any such levy in quite modest mind is amazing. This Limerick is really very funny. Your observation about people is brilliant. An amazing sharing is done here....10

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wes vogler 15 July 2018

thank you sir.. no one else could make such a comment with such charm

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WES Vogler

WES Vogler

Vancouver BC Canada
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