Logic In Rhyme 1 Poem by Kim Barney

Kim Barney

Kim Barney

I was born in a bank - - my mother went there and made a deposit

Logic In Rhyme 1

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Okay, kids, class has begun.
Here is problem number one:
If every child must have at least
one brother and one sis,
what is the minimum of kids
in a family such as this?

All right, kids, now get a clue.
Here is problem number two:
If instead of one they
must have two of each,
how high will that
minimum number reach?

Very well, then, stay with me,
here is problem number three:
If a man has twelve chickens
and all die but five
how many chickens
are still alive?

Okay, kids, ready for more?
Here is problem number four:
If you have a sore
you can apply salve,
but take two apples from three
apples and what do you have?

All right, now, don't give me jive,
here is problem number five:
Two coins have I, with a value of thirty
cents. They are both clean;
neither one is dirty.
Now help me remember; I'm in a pickle:
what are the two coins, if
one of them is NOT a nickel?

Now I'm really in a fix,
here is problem number six:
A woman gives a beggar a dime.
To not give more -was that a crime?
For the woman was the beggar's sister, you see,
but the beggar was not the woman's brother!
How can that be?

For number seven
don't just sit and stare,
but tell me, how far can a bug
crawl into a square?

Finally! Now this is great!
Here is problem number eight:
Late at night three men did arrive
at a shabby hotel -really a dive.
Each wanted a room, but there was just one
so they would have to share -not much fun.
How much for the room? They asked the clerk.
Thirty dollars, replied the jerk.
So they each paid ten, and went to bed,
but then the manager arrived and said
to the clerk: How much did you charge?
When told, said, Oh, no, that sum is too large!
Twenty-five is the price, now take these five ones
and give back to the men. Return when you're done.
But the clerk returned just one to each man
and kept two for himself.A wicked plan!
So each man ended up paying just nine
since they got one back; they thought that was fine.
Nine times three is twenty-seven (thirty less three)
plus the two of the clerk is twenty-nine, you see.
So will you kindly give me a holler
When you find that other dollar?

(Scroll down to find the answers in the 'Poet's notes about the poem', but try to figure out the answers before you do so.)

Logic In Rhyme 1
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: logic
Problem one:
In order for each child to have at least one brother and one sister, there must be at least four children in the family: two boys and two girls.

Problem two:
In order for each child to have at least two brothers and two sisters, there must be at least six children in the family: three boys and three girls.

Problem three:
Five, of course.

Problem four:
You have two apples (because you just took them, remember?)

Problem five:
The two coins are a quarter (twenty-five cent piece)and a nickel (five-cent piece) .One of the coins is NOT a nickel (But the other one is!)

Problem six:
The beggar is another woman.She is not the woman's brother; she is her sister!

Problem seven:
The bug can only crawl HALFWAY into the square, because if he crawls further than that, he is crawling OUT of the square!

Problem eight:
This 'missing dollar' problem has been around for decades -a half century or more.It's really a misleading question because it states that the men paid nine dollars each for a total of twenty-seven, which is true, but then it says plus the two dollars that the clerk kept makes twenty-nine, so what happened to the missing dollar? You can't add those two dollars to the twenty-seven because they are PART of the twenty-seven that the men paid, since they didn't get those two dollars back.
The real question should be: What happened to the thirty dollars?
The answer is that twenty-five went to the hotel, three were returned to the men, and the clerk kept two.

Do you think it would be fine
if I added problem nine?
I think I will, one of these days
when I again receive the 'craze'.

07 Sep 2014
Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil
wes vogler 18 February 2018

Got them all this time but I had no memory of trying them before

2 0 Reply
wes vogler 17 February 2019

This time I missed the beggar being a female and a sister

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Kim Barney 19 February 2018

Well, it had been more than two years, so you can be forgiven for not remembering. Thanks for commenting.

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Wes Vogler 06 December 2015

Didn't get them all but I think I did okay on the curve a 10

4 0 Reply
Kim Barney

Kim Barney

I was born in a bank - - my mother went there and made a deposit
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