Long Gone Poem by graham russell

Long Gone

Rating: 5.0

darkness calls to me
me who is so lonely
it calls me so this
darkness of the soul

a darkness so dark
i find myself lost
with in this blackness
of the soul

hate, fear and terror
live here in this
darkness of the soul
calling me to and fro

hate whispers my name
fear trembles near
terror fulls me up
as they call me on

what do i do
how do i leave
this place
this darkness
of the soul

wait something shines
ahead, it pulses and glows
i hear it say, come to
me i offer sanctuary

at first i walk but soon i
run towards this glowing
pulsing thing just ahead

as fear, terror and hate say no come
to us we three that know thee
no i say leave me be leave me be
i weep

soon i reach it and know hope
for this thing that pulses and
glows is the hope with in me
oh the hope with in me

i embrace it so this hope id
thought long gone and soon
the darkness is gone.

Chesney Russell 16 August 2009

Mr Russell This poem is me at the moment, clinging onto hope before the darkness consumes me. At first I thought this was going to be a dark poem to the end, but as you started speaking of hope I realised it reflects my last week beautifully. Well written, a defo 10 Up The Russells!

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