Looking Out Our Windows Poem by James Greene

Looking Out Our Windows

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see out my window tonight the neighbors lights
As they softly glow of the winters snow.
As I gaze I spy someone waving across the row.
Smiling brightly, a moment is shared.

Stars in the heavens shinning so brightly,
Casting down In the cold winter's snow.
A full moon above us lighting our paths,
In an ever so lovely and beautiful glow.

I wonder what lies outside your window there,
Where the air is warm and sky's are blue.
As you gaze at wondrous beauty, do share.
What glory do you spy through the window clear.

The dawn is breaking the night,
Golden rays of sunshine opens a new day.
Such a beautiful and glorious sight,
Images of nature's lovely array.

Such a sight is so invitingly serene,
One of glorious expectation.
The day to come in full bloom.
To share on hazy afternoon.

The chirping of the birds, the buzzing of the bees.
Blending nature's harmony, Into such sweet melodies..
Up above there are white clouds and blue skies;
One can see the gentle flutter of colorful butterflies.

Blue and grey skies mixing gently,
The grass all brown peaking a look.
Soon to have those butterflies here too.
Outside my window.

Dusk is creeping upon us now,
The sun so slowly setting.
Oh what a lovely day it has been,
Looking out side my window.

(written by James R. Greene and Doreen Cyr/March 8,2007)

James Greene

James Greene

Denver Colorado
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