Los Bebos Anaranjados Poem by Jeffrey McCambridge

Los Bebos Anaranjados

The wheels have been stopped
And the machinery no longer works
Like it once had, in the days of gold,
Long since gone by.

The Golden Days, no one seems to remember
But seem to have been to
Counter the sultry nights
And blood shed,
Long since gone by.

My mist soaked heart runs naked
Through woods, searching.
Searching ever vigilantly
For ways to become one with the mist
Long since gone dry.

Moss baked clichés
Follow the lover’s tryst, Mother Nature
Moon and Sun, two titans of the sky
Chasing each other away constantly
Never reaching end, or means,
Long since had to die.

Lost, I will never find my way
Through the labyrinth;
A hermit drifts off to sleep
On the shady side of town
Searching for food
Forever moving around
Long since left out to dry.

A princess lies awake
Dreaming about a boy
It’s too bright to sleep
So she fits with her hair
As if it’s a toy
Long since missing life’s joy.

Somewhere deep in Trenchtown
A little boy cries himself to sleep
Where he’s a future rock star
His only hope to escape the madness
Is to count the sheep
Long since counted among the lost…

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