Lost Again Poem by Alfred Ramos

Lost Again

Rating: 4.0

I don’t want to say we lost again
We haven’t spoken since who knows when
And I don’t know where to begin
Every mountain seems steeper
Every river seems deeper
Every dream seems weaker
Will tomorrow bring an unexpected surprise
The thought of not seeing her smile at sunrise
Will set my heart on fire with aching cries
When the last rays of light disappear
And the darkness overtakes my shadow in fear
What I need is to have her here
Am I living under some evil spell
I weep that I have only one soul to sell
What good is living if she is not here to tell
I don’t want to say we lost again
To hell and back is where I’ve been
Paying back for every single sin
But every battle is not a war
And every misery does not leave a scar
So happiness can’t be that far
I’m no dream weaver
It was not I who chose to leave her
Nothing left but to grieve her
I don’t want to say we lost again
Obviously I’m no good at pretend
But like a willow I will bend
Break a rule or two
If that will bring me back to you
Only love will show me what to do
Cause I don’t want to say we lost again
Don’t want to take it on the chin
Cause I won’t know where to begin

, aryaindia 09 September 2008

Your poem is exceptional in its inner thought of being lost within humanity. arya

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Alfred Ramos

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