Lost In The Wild Forest! Poem by Varanasi Ramabrahmam

Lost In The Wild Forest!

Toured the wild forest
In the midst of tall and grand trees
On the mountains looking down the
Beautiful and breath-taking valleys

Full of greenery reflecting
Youthfulness of the wildness

The wild-life entertained
At their own natural habitat
In their own glory and full of dignity,
Dignified gait and gaiety
Together with their tiny ones
Undisturbed by the civilized

The melody of the singing birds
the musicians of the vast Green Empire
Tuned my heart to harmony

dance and rhythms with music
of flowing swirling currents;
Reminded me of the peacock-dances
Youth flowing girl's curves and meanderings
Running and jumping humming pleasant lyric

The still lakes, like
Seers in meditation
personified Pure Consciousness;
Unoccupied Awareness;
Content-free Contentment;

Mere Being of such
Beauty acted as
Dear touch of the
Mother and the mother Nature

Nature is the teacher, musician, physician to the
Mind, body and heart,
Joy, beauty of the compassionate heart,
Seer and the Lord;
His Expression and Presence

In the midst of this environment
Bliss am I listening to;

The Silence pervaded around
And in me; body relaxed,
heart became peaceful
And mind full of calmness
Made me experience the Divinity
In and around in serenity

For once I forgot my 'little self'
And merged in the
All pervading Self
And continued
To Be It!

Varanasi Ramabrahmam

Varanasi Ramabrahmam

Vegeswarapuram, India
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