Lotus Goes With Taoism Dances-Cauchy3 Poem by cheung shun sang

Lotus Goes With Taoism Dances-Cauchy3

Lotus goes with Taoism dances…
Idioms link to powers slangs.
Argots made the focus rings.
Where you from your ginger groups are must?
Lotus made your sadness gone but no drugs.
Lotus rings are lords with powers.
Present ways on ways excess as cite to use as power actions.
Can be seen and backed up merits all are boiled.

Sacred dances in nude are null to nothing.
Creams will blend with creams in merit boards.
CON JAR MAN will comb the Mary hairs.
More to parse and more to all interpreted are powers logos all to place an empires.
Things not yet to seize and could not waken up all are myths.
Sad as Wahoo all great as morals go on sexy all as Taoism dances are really matters.
Taoism deaconess dead with ends are nude to eyes.
Lows with cuts are gowns as orange velvets.
Crotch-less rests are pane jeans.
Yearn to mercies all are low down kisses.
Agree to equal strengths but make the two on sides to work for you.
What is trick?
All avoid as none to lucks and none to joys.
Con JAR MAN did comb the Mary hairs.
Who is god with wives?
Cauchy3 will think the sacred dances are nude and joyful.
Doves to sexes are all religious peoples.
Doves are Taoism match makers.
---Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3---

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