Love Gives Meaning To Life Poem by Tulsi Shrestha

Love Gives Meaning To Life

Love Gives Meaning To Life
Love is reliable source for mercy, faith and hope
The cause of creation that Lord intends to cope.
A Spiritual gift that creates solid meaning to life.
Motto of Love, is to attain ultimate destiny of life.

No dout breath and beats make life feels alive
But motto of life isn't just to exist and survive.
Impulse of heart is there to ensure your enitity
But It's love that promises life to ensure its identity.

Rivers of compassion and affection flow from love
Enemy transforms into friend with flood of your love.
Grace and wrath of Lord, backed by motto of love.
You need to honour and help those, thirsty for love.

Need to create ability to care the community
To which you belong, through purfume of humanity.
Search meaning of Life in motion of infinitive river
Each drop tells grace of God to make you shiver.

Love just to satisfy ego and lust, like illusive mirage
A tree withintoxicating fruits, an illusive joy for short phase
Dedicate each and every moment of your precious life
For the welfare and smile of victims, suffering lives.

By Tulsi Shrestha
@copyright reserved

Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: life,love
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