, Love Through Sun & Clouds Poem by Louise Tredoux

, Love Through Sun & Clouds

Rating: 2.1

Who made me the beautiful sunset tonight,
purple clouds, golden sun shining brilliant
blue on the opposite side; who sent golden
flashes through trees, making yellow rain

It must have been Rudi, sending his thoughts
of love through sun and clouds, touching me
through feathersoft raindrops; Rudi, I got
your message, heard your voice

Felt your presence, knew your spirit entered
mine and fortified it - as you came, the world
changed again, I became a different me, a
merrier, happier, joyous me, I felt so free

I started to burn, the feelings in me flaming high,
I knew your boat must be turning round - we
could not make contact, the coast guard vainly
tried, yet I knew you were safe

Your face kept smiling at me, your arms held me
tight, whatever storms you faced; somehow the
mythological gods kept you brave, unscathed,
insisting on bringing you back to me

When Juliette called beyond herself with worry, I
was happy; she rushed over, thinking me mad,
but I’m rational and delighted, she wants me in-
carcerated because I kept singing

“Puff the Magic Dragon lived by the sea, little Louise
Tredoux loved that Rascal Puff, and frolicked in the
autumn mist in a land called Honalee! ” - my father
explained I always sing when I believe

My faith will keep a loved one safe, we listened to
the radio, I watched the remnant of the sunset you
made for me, Rudi; I know you are safe, I feel your
mind; I know your lips will meet mine

In passionate love, I love you Rudi, my love is the
means that will keep you safe and alive...

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