Ludus Elysium Poem by Tailor Bell

Ludus Elysium

Rating: 5.0

Of another sunset, at pompa of Ludi Circenses
Of envious heat, between the Flavian torches

Of emptied chariots on the quickly raked field
Merciful departure of Mercury's iron wand

Fallen petals with palms in the Podium canal
On the Couch of Libitina, everyone dreams

Lower to upper cavea, vast surging tiers
Laurel crown encircling the crowded brow

Lanista crying 'mitte, Mitte' amid Thracian cheers
Raised trumpets at the Porta Triumphalis

Rudis of the Circus editor extended...with Caesar's nod
Under vela of Charon, everyone dreams

Sean North 25 June 2007

DAmm iF It WasNt FaTe....HeLLLOOOOOOO TAILOR.... nice work...MR BELL

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Will Barber 04 November 2007

What a piece of scholarship and eloquence! I am glad that you provided notes. This poem illustrates the power of that which T.S. Eliot called 'the objective correlative.' Eliot also provided notes to some of his poetry, notably 'The Waste Land.'

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Goldy Locks 13 September 2007

So eloquent. Class act. And equipped with the reference notes, i could feel my mind expanding. best care, sjg

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This is simply wonderful. So erudite. You obviously put a huge amount of effort and reserach into this; the footnote is much appreciated. t x

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Alison Cassidy 29 June 2007

Our aborigines sing and dance stories of their dreamtime. In this fascinating piece, you sing us the dreamtime of ancient Rome - with style! A grand poem. love, Allie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Not a member No 4 29 June 2007

Tailor it's great to see you back with us and in sterling form as ever. And you're right, of all these things 'everyone dreams'! ! You capture that sense of dreaming of what is lost, and will probably always be lost now! Is it a dominant theme of the age? A haunting and stunning piece of poetry - er no change! ! Best, jim

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