Mad Man Madness By Mai Venn Poem by Mai Murphy Venn

Mad Man Madness By Mai Venn

The dictator from Russia has gone quite mad.
As he commands war to commence, how sad.
Murdering men, women, and children every day.
Are conflict and aggressive warfare the only way?
Life is a gift that should be, cherished and protected.
War is wrong, it should be, avoided and rejected.
Bombardment is all-around, as we look on with horror.
Refugees in their confusion wait for news of tomorrow.
Now, as we look on at what is at stake, we contemplate.
Will the next attack be chemical or nuclear? Terrified we wait.
Leaders of our world unite, stop the war, stop the fight.
Freedom from tyranny, war, and destruction, with all its might
At the end of this tunnel of nightmares will there be a bright light

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